Some Final Performance Logs Are Gibberish

Issue #185 resolved
Rud Merriam created an issue

Some of the Mystic performance logs are gibberish. Online viewing denies permission to view the Final_04 and Final_05 files. When downloaded they appear as gibberish.

I found this after downloading my files, grepping for “Total game”, and copying the results into a spreadsheet. Looking at the result some performance logs were missing while output.txt and rosout.log were present.

I’m sure it won’t make any difference in my standings but if some performance logs are bad it might affect other team’s scores. There were points for those runs. The missing logs are for 4 through 8.

Comments (3)

  1. Shane Loretz

    No performance.log should be missing. I’ve personally opened and read the scores from every performance.log, so none should be gibberish either.

    It looks like two of the log messages in your final04 performance.log got interleaved, and that resulted in a null byte being present in the file. This can happen when multiple threads write to stdout using operator<<().

    The two messages that got interleaved in this case were from these lines.

    Your editor might have a setting to force reading the file as UTF-8. I'm able to read it by outputting to the console using cat, or opening it in gedit.

  2. Rud Merriam reporter

    Okay, I can see it with cat and it opens with nano. But pluma and geany have a problem. I run Ubuntu Mate so pluma is the gedit equivalent. It say it can’t detect the character encoding. Libre Writer opens it okay. Funny situation that all four of those files are bad. As long as it didn’t affect the scoring…

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