Are sensors necessary in Qual 1.

Issue #35 resolved
Ruofan Zang created an issue

Hi, I find that if I just want to finish Qual 1, I do not need to use sensors. Is that OK? I mean just for Qual 1.

Comments (4)

  1. Deanna Hood

    Hi @ZRF, yes, it is possible to complete Qual 1 without the use of sensors. Yes, it is allowed.

    However, this approach is not recommended because in the final competition you will not be able to predict the arrangement of the parts. In the final competition you will not see the competition configuration files beforehand: your system will have to adapt to any possible unseen configuration. The only way to know the exact arrangement of the parts will be once the trial has started, using sensors.

    I hope that this answers your question.

  2. Ruofan Zang reporter

    Hi, d_hood,

    Thank you very much! That is what I mean, only for Qual1. I understand that sensors are necessary during the final match, but I need more time to learn how to use sensors, what I trying to do now is just successfully finish Qual1 and get the permission to attend the final match! Thank you very much again!


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