Qual 2 AGV/Tray Collision

Issue #49 resolved
Michael Sprague created an issue

Running ariac 1.0.1+git20170306r6309a6b836bc73b4ef86520b23e677c4a6dee149-1~trusty with ROS Indigo.

For qual2a and qual2b both agv trays are vibrating due to being in collision with the agv mast. Do you think this is something unique to my setup or can you observe the same behavior? With the collision situation, the parts vibrate around and off the tray. If the agv is moved in gazebo to be farther away from y=0, the collision goes away, however the frame transformations are offset by the same amount which throws the scoring of part pose off.

Video demonstration attached.

Comments (5)

  1. Deanna Hood

    hi @msprague, there have been some changes made to the tray gazebo model lately. However, even with these local models on the GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH, they do not have "priority" over models that have been pulled from https://bitbucket.org/osrf/gazebo_models automatically and stored in ~/.gazebo/models.

    Could you please check if you have directories named warehouse_robot or kit_tray in ~/.gazebo/models? If so, would you remove these models and see if that fixes it?

  2. Michael Sprague reporter

    @d_hood, Thank you very much. I did have a warehouse_robot directory. I deleted it and it appears to be working normally now. There had been a preliminary version of ariac that got installed during an apt-get upgrade before 1.0.1 was released, so probably that had added that model directory. Thank you so much for the quick reply.

  3. Deanna Hood

    OK good to hear that this fixed it. We'll push an update so that this doesn't happen to other participants -- thanks for raising the issue!

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