When reading the order, it says no messages received and simulated time is active

Issue #72 resolved
Ruofan Zang created an issue


I want to read orders in qual3. However, after I launch qual3a.yaml, and use rosservice to start the competition, I type in: rostopic echo /ariac/orders in the terminal, it says: WARNING: no messages received and simulated time is active. Is /clock being published? What is wrong with my procedure?

Thank you very much!

Comments (9)

  1. Deanna Hood

    Could you please check that the simulation is not paused? (in the bottom left of the Gazebo window).

  2. Ruofan Zang reporter

    Oh, no! It is paused. Could you tell me how this happens? I did not do anything in Gazebo. Thanks!

  3. Deanna Hood

    This can happen if you are using a configuration that does not insert an arm.

    $ rosrun osrf_gear gear.py -f `catkin_find --share osrf_gear`/config/qual3a.yaml `catkin_find --share osrf_gear`/config/sample_user_config.yaml

    should start un-paused, because there is an arm in the sample user config. Please let us know if that is not the case

  4. Samodine

    hello, i have the same issue but my gazebo is not paused, i'm searching a solution to that, could you please help me?

  5. Deanna Hood

    @Samodine could you please open a new issue with the commands that you are running (including the config file you're using)

  6. Samodine

    @d_hood thank you. first by typing this command "rostopic echo /mon_robot/joint1_position_controller/command" in my terminal i was trying to make sure that gazebo receive the message that i'm sending through a node that i created; this node has a publisher that publish a topic /mon_robot/joint1_position_controller/command. i run rosrun rqt_graph rqt_graph in my terminal, and i saw that i have a connexion between the node that i created, the topic and gazebo. So i don't know why i have this error.

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