Are there any methods to directly control the robot arm to the desired position

Issue #73 resolved
Ruofan Zang created an issue


For now, I am using rqt to set the joint values to make the robot arm reach the position I want, but this is very abstract and difficult because I have to try many possible values and adjust them very slowly to make it touch the parts properly I want.

Are there any methods can help me directly move robot arm to the desired position in the gazebo environment and then I can read the joint values when the arm is on the right position and do motion planning.

Thank you very much!

Comments (4)

  1. Deanna Hood

    A common library for motion planning is MoveIt. It allows you to programmatically specify where the arm should move to. We have a tutorial for getting started with MoveIt here if you have not seen it already.

    The TF2 library can be used for calculating the position that the robot should move to, using information published by the sensors in the ARIAC environment. There is some information about this in the logical camera part of the sensor interface tutorial.

    I'll let you know in advance that, as there are numerous and varied potential approaches for controlling the arm, the technical support for ARIAC doesn't include issues with specific control strategies. While we don't provide technical support on specific control strategies, the community is one of the ROS ecosystem's greatest resources. Well-specified questions are typically answered quickly on the Q&A forum by ROS/MoveIt community members, and we would encourage you to take advantage of that forum. We also advise teams to check Github and other open source code repositories for specific examples of controlling arms, as the ROS community is generally quite open source.

    Hope that helps

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