What's the meaning of your qual3a order?

Issue #74 resolved
Ruofan Zang created an issue


When I run the simulation, I call the service: start_competition, then I use a terminal and type in "rostopic echo /ariac/orders" to observe the orders' state, I cannot receive the second order (order_1), I can only saw the first order (order_0). So I open your qual3a.yaml to see the order's structure. I cannot understand: announcement_condition: unwanted_parts announcement_condition_value: 2 Could you please explain what does these two lines mean? In other words, when should the second order be received in this task?

Thank you very much! Ruofan

Comments (13)

  1. Ruofan Zang reporter

    My situation is that: After I complete the whole 1st order, there is still no higher priority order (2nd order) come to be received. Could you give me some suggestion to this situation? What is the possible reason of this?


  2. Deanna Hood

    could you please confirm that you're ARIAC software has been updated to the latest version? Does dpkg -s ariac | grep Version output Version: 1.1.1+git201704....? If not, please update your software. If yes, your software is up-to-date and there may be something wrong. Could you please follow the submission instructions to submit your log files for us to review? We will be notified when you submit the tarball to nfiles; it will not be counted as your final submission. Thanks in advance.

  3. Ruofan Zang reporter

    Yes, mine is the newest version. Could I upload my document late this evening or tomorrow? When I uploaded, I will let you know in this issue.

    Thank you very much!

  4. Deanna Hood

    Yes, you can upload it whenever is possible for you, and we will review the issue as soon as possible for us.

  5. Ruofan Zang reporter

    Hi d_hood,

    I am sorry to reply late. I have already uploaded my file named: "Northeastern_University_RIVeR_Lab_qual3.tar.gz". It is a temporary file, not the final one. I have successfully received the higher priority order, but I encounter a new problem. We know that the second order contains 4 parts, 2 of gasket_parts and 2 of disk_parts, and I have checked my received order in my program, that shows the right information (2 gaskets and 2 disks). However, when I run my node, it always does 2 gasket_parts and 3 disk_parts, you can check my uploaded file to see what happens. Is one of the disk_parts also a faculty part? I cannot figure out. And I also uploaded my code. My workspace name is: Northeastern University RIVeR Lab https://nfiles.nist.gov/s/d20u707ml

    Thank you very much! Ruofan

  6. Ruofan Zang reporter

    Hi d_hood,

    My bad, I have figured it out, I have logic mistake in my program. I am sorry for it.

    Best, Ruofan

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