Final's Environment

Issue #77 resolved
Ruofan Zang created an issue


I have 3 questions. 1st: Is final environment the same as qualifies'? My understanding is that the environment is the same as qualifiers', for example, the locations of bins, belt, AGVs and so on, but the kind and poses of the parts on the bins/belts are unknown to us, is that correct? 2nd: Can we still use "/ariac/material_locations" channel to directly get the informaton of "what kind of parts in which bin"? 3rd: There are totally 15 trials in the final (5 for each senario). How many orders are in one trial? For example, in senario 1, I have 2 understandings, 1st is that: there comes 5 orders in just one trial, I will run my code only once; 2nd is that: one trial has only one order, I will run my code 5 times during senario 1's task.

Best regards, Ruofan

Comments (4)

  1. Ruofan Zang reporter

    Supplements for question 3: I just want to make sure that how many Orders will in one trial, just 1 or unknown to us? Because, if 1 order per trial, I do not need to include my code in the loop to keep getting the order, just get 1 order and finish it, then rerun my code to do next trial. If more than 1 orders per trial, I need to include my code into a loop to keep getting the next order in just one running of code.

  2. Deanna Hood

    All of these questions have been answered in, could you please see that page for the details and let us know if anything else is missing?

    It doesn't sound like you're receiving our emails. Did you see this email that we sent last Friday? I can see your email address listed as one of the recipients but perhaps it is in your spam filter?

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