Question In higher order task

Issue #81 resolved
Ruofan Zang created an issue

Hi, Is it possible that during the higher order task, each of those two orders has two kits? That will be very complicated and cost lots of time I think.

Comments (20)

  1. Ruofan Zang reporter

    Ok! Is there any instruction about how to listen to the submission command? (I need to include it in my code)

  2. Deanna Hood

    there was a typo in my previous sentence. it should have read: "If you are concerned that you may run out of time please be sure to submit your in-progress trays before the trial times out." The "/clock" topic is the one you should listen to, to know the elapsed time: the link has more details on how to do that.

  3. Ruofan Zang reporter

    Yes, I know. I mean how to end my competition. For now, after I finish all the orders, I just break the loop and stop my program. If in the competition, what should I do? Send the end competition command and submit the agv?

  4. Deanna Hood

    the competition will be run with the environment variable ARIAC_EXIT_ON_COMPLETION set. This means that submitting all of the requested kits will cause the system to terminate automatically. You can test it yourself by running ARIAC_EXIT_ON_COMPLETION=1 rosrun osrf_gear ... instead of just rosrun osrf_gear ...

    If you do not submit all of the requested kits, the trial will terminate when time runs out (or if you call the ariac/end_competiton sevice).

  5. Ruofan Zang reporter

    Ok, so that means I do not need to do anything, do not need to submit the agv tray. That is great! Thanks

  6. Deanna Hood

    You need to submit the AGV for every tray that you want scored. If you have a half-complete tray and time runs out, you won't get any points for it. Only trays that have been submitted via the AGV before the trial ends will be scored. So, if you know time will run out before you can complete the tray, you should submit via the AGV it even if you haven't finished it.

  7. Ruofan Zang reporter

    Ok, Thanks! I have inserted the AGV sending to the program. The other problem I found is that: when submitting the AGV, because the AGV suddenly begins to move, the objects(parts) on the tray of AGV will move away from their original places on the tray (I think it is because of inertia), this will cause my pose score to be 0. What could I do?

  8. Deanna Hood

    Is this when you are running ARIAC on your machine, or when you are running it in the competition setup? If it's on your computer, probably your ARIAC version is out-of-date.

  9. Ruofan Zang reporter

    terminal.jpg I run command: rosrun osrf_gear -f catkin_find --share osrf_gear/config/qual1a.yaml /home/zrf/Desktop/ariac_robot_moveit/config/team_config.yaml to start the environment. Then I run my code/node to start the competition, and do the order and submit the agv and finish. My terminal shows the score like the picture shows. My ARIAC version is the newest one. What's more, besides the agv problem, the score shows in the terminal is strange, because I am sure I have finished the order, the <tray_score order_0_kit_0> complete status is always false.

  10. Ruofan Zang reporter

    1.jpg2.jpg This is the situation when the agv begins to move, you see, the objects/parts move from their original positions.

  11. Deanna Hood

    Both of the issues that you see are caused by the two piston rod parts being on top of each other. The kit tray will only score parts that are touching it.

  12. Ruofan Zang reporter

    Yes, but the gear_part also moves away from their original places on the tray. gear_parts all touch the tray. I think the friction between parts and the surface of the tray is too small.

  13. Deanna Hood

    I understand your concern: it looks like the parts move to incorrect places, but this is just part of the animation, the scoring happens before they move.

    If you are expecting the "part pose score" to be non-zero and want to understand why, you can start ARIAC with "development mode" (cheats enabled) using --development-mode and then run rostopic echo /ariac/trays and you will see the pose of the parts with respect to the trays. The tolerance of part scoring is 0.03 m and 0.1 radians.

  14. Ruofan Zang reporter

    So, my understanding is that the whole process is like this: run ARIAC and run my node, when I want to submit something, I send "submit AGV" command, after I send "submit AGV" command, the system will score the tray before the AGV moves. Is this correct? Thank you!

  15. Deanna Hood

    that's correct. if you still find that parts are falling off the tray it might be because you are submitting it too quickly.

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