What to write in the "build_team_system.bash"

Issue #82 resolved
Ruofan Zang created an issue

Do I need to write the "MoveIt" and "ARIAC environment" installation into the bash file? Thanks!

Comments (8)

  1. Ruofan Zang reporter

    But, ros-indigo-desktop-full includes gazebo 2, the competition needs to use gazebo 7.

  2. Deanna Hood

    ariac will install gazebo7 and ros-indigo-gazebo7-plugins etc. But, you should not be interacting with the gazebo simulation, so the gazebo version installed in your team's container shouldn't matter. (The version on the ARIAC server is 7.7.0). Is there a particular package that you're having issues installing? Don't forget this section with tips for developing the build script: https://github.com/osrf/ariac-docker#investigating-build-issues ("investigating build issues")

  3. Ruofan Zang reporter

    No, I am not connecting with Gazebo 7, I'm just worried about that the version of Gazebo will affects the ARIAC system. I don't think I have something special to install, just MoveIt, I think I can include my UR10 package in my source code file, and just install the controller of moveit according to the ARIAC moveit tutorial.

  4. Deanna Hood

    ok, yeah, it's just the messages provided by ARIAC package that need to match in order to interface with the server: the clean competitor image and the ARIAC server image both have v1.1.4 of the ariac package. Your plan sounds correct, let us know if you run into any issues!

  5. Ruofan Zang reporter

    Can I use git clone in the .bash file? Another question is that: how to end my competition program? I mean do I need to send the AGV or end competition in my program?

  6. Deanna Hood

    I didn't see your questions until now but (as you know): yes, and send AGV, or if you "give up" call 'end competition' (optional)

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