Gazebo 7 Real Time factor dropped below 0.2

Issue #83 resolved
Brual Shah created an issue

From last couple of days may be after the new ARIAC version update. The gazebo simulations are running really slow. The real time factor has gone below 0.2 (reaches to 0.3-0.35 after few minutes). This issue is consistent with Gazebo 7.7 and 7.8.

I have tried installing the entire ARIAC system on 4 different computers in the lab running Trusty and Indigo.

I have also tried rolling back the ARIAC version and going to the previous version from May and it seems to have no effect on real time factor.

Comments (8)

  1. Brual Shah reporter

    Nope. That does not seem to help.

    Everything was perfectly working fine like a couple of days ago. We did not update our version to Gazebo 7.8 which was rolled out a few days ago.

    Does anything in ARIAC new version of the code changes stuff in Gazebo which is not reversible by reverting back the previous commit of ARAIC code.

  2. Brual Shah reporter

    Changing the gazebo state logging to 'false' has sort of fixed the issue. It goes to real time factor of 1 after like a minute or so.

    Thank you.

  3. Brual Shah reporter

    In the trial config change the gazebo_state_logging -> 'false' . This improves the gazebo real time performance.

  4. Deanna Hood

    There have been some changes in gazebo logging recently. Could you provide the output of dpkg -s gazebo7 | grep Version for our information please?

  5. Deanna Hood

    OK. if you ever need to re-enable logging, downgrading to gazebo7.7 might fix your RTF. This is how you would do that:

    # Remove your current Gazebo version
    sudo dpkg -r --force-depends libgazebo7 libgazebo7-dev gazebo7 gazebo7-common gazebo7-plugin-base
    # Download the 7.7 binaries
    cd ~/Downloads
    # Install the new binaries
    dpkg --force-all -i \
        libgazebo7_7.7.0-1~trusty_amd64.deb \
        libgazebo7-dev_7.7.0-1~trusty_amd64.deb \
        gazebo7_7.7.0-1~trusty_amd64.deb \
        gazebo7-common_7.7.0-1~trusty_all.deb \
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