qual1 /config/quals/qual1a.yaml not present?

Issue #93 resolved
Wyatt Newman created an issue

looks like the first qualifier has been released. However, the launch command is not working because the qual1a config file seems to not be present.

I did do: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ariac2

The source here: https://bitbucket.org/osrf/ariac/src/4c154c046c2a0bd966f615bc7ed884f2266d120f/osrf_gear/config/?at=master

does not contain qual1a.yaml

Is this still the correct source repository?

Comments (7)

  1. Deanna Hood

    This is still the correct source repository: qual1a is in the quals subdirectory of the config directory. Perhaps your gear.py invocation is referencing config/qual1a.yaml instead of config/quals/qual1a.yaml as instructed at https://bitbucket.org/osrf/ariac/wiki/2018/qualifiers/qual1_scenarios?

    If that's not the issue, could you please provide the exact rosrun invocation you're using, and the output to the following commands:

    • dpkg -s ariac2 | grep Version
    • catkin_find --share osrf_gear
    • roscd osrf_gear followed by ls config
  2. Wyatt Newman reporter

    Ah. My osrf_gear does not contain a subdirectory "quals". I DID do the sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ariac2 Should this have installed the new "quals" subdirectory?

  3. Deanna Hood

    There should be a quals subdirectory in the config directory, yes. Could you please provide the 4 points of information requested in the previous post so I can help you troubleshoot.

  4. Wyatt Newman reporter

    hi--sorry about the incompleteness. Was running between meetings. Here you go:

    wyatt@Ava:~$ dpkg -s ariac2 | grep Version Version: 2.0.3+git20180306r4c154c046c2a0bd966f615bc7ed884f2266d120f-1~xenial wyatt@Ava:~$ catkin_find --share osrf_gear /home/wyatt/ros_ws/install/share/osrf_gear /home/wyatt/ros_ws/devel/share/osrf_gear /opt/ros/kinetic/share/osrf_gear wyatt@Ava:~$ roscd osrf_gear wyatt@Ava:~/ros_ws/install/share/osrf_gear$ ls config example_custom_config.yaml sample_user_config.yaml sample.yaml wyatt@Ava:~/ros_ws/install/share/osrf_gear$

    This is per the installation instructions here: http://wiki.ros.org/ariac/2018/Tutorials/SystemSetup

    Is this changed with the new Docker setup?

  5. Deanna Hood

    No worries, I can appreciate that - thanks for coming back with more info 😄

    Looks like what is happening is that you have the software installed in two locations: from our apt binaries (in /opt/ros/kinetic), and built from source in ~/ros_ws. Both of these are on your path, but the source installation has precedence. I suspect that the version from source is out of date, which is why you don't have the new config files installed in ~/ros_ws/install/share/osrf_gear/config. However, you probably have them in /opt/ros/kinetic/share/osrf_gear/config, but they don't have "priority".

    What I recommend you to do is open a new terminal and only source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash, do not source ~/ros_ws/install/setup.bash. As a result you should see that catkin_find --share osrf_gear will only output the /opt/ros installation, and it should be able to find the config files.

    If you need to source the ~/ros_ws overlay workspace for other packages, then you should remove the ariac packages from that workspace's install directory: delete the install directory (make a backup if you like), add a file called CATKIN_IGNORE to the src/ariac directory, and rebuild the workspace. The objective is to get osrf_gear to only be installed in a single location.

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