State log from automated evaluation won't play back in Gazebo 8.3

Issue #95 resolved
Steven Gray created an issue

I'm posting this because the install instructions for ariac2 result in installing Gazebo 8.3.

I'm looking at the output of log gathered by running the automated evaluation example_team config. There's a total process time of 10.275 seconds.

Total process time: [10.275]
Product travel time: [0]
<order_score order_0>
Total order score: [0]
Time taken: [10.274]

However, when I attempt to play back the log (still running Gazebo 8.3, haven't tried rolling back yet), I see a total time of 4.839 seconds. The log also doesn't seem to play back at all; the progress slider doesn't move.

Should I just wait for gazebo to be updated with this fix? And is there an ETA?

Thanks, Steve

Comments (8)

  1. Deanna Hood

    Forgive me for potentially insulting you here, but I believe that you're just getting starting with log playback, so I want to point out that log playback will start paused. You have to push the play button for it to start, which sometimes people don't notice.

    If that's not it, then yeah you might have hit the issue that you linked to. A new gazebo release is on its way in the coming week.

    In the meantime you can try rolling back to 8.2 with the following commands:

    # Remove your current Gazebo version
    sudo dpkg -r --force-depends libgazebo8 libgazebo8-dev gazebo8 gazebo8-common gazebo8-plugin-base
    # Download the 8.2 binaries
    cd ~/Downloads
    # Install the new binaries
    sudo dpkg --force-all -i \
        libgazebo8_8.2.0-1~xenial_amd64.deb \
        libgazebo8-dev_8.2.0-1~xenial_amd64.deb \
        gazebo8_8.2.0-1~xenial_amd64.deb \
        gazebo8-common_8.2.0-1~xenial_all.deb \
  2. Deanna Hood

    In parallel I'll push out the ariac2.0.4 docker image in case that's related in more ways than just the conveyor not showing for you

  3. Steven Gray reporter

    Can confirm that playback works with 8.2 but not 8.3. I get parts in the bins, a box dropping, and the arm moving as expected.

    Ha, just noticed there's no conveyor belt showing at all. I bet 2.0.4 will fix that.

  4. Deanna Hood

    Great, that's good to hear. I'll keep this issue open till the gazebo release is out, for visibility.

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