Can’t repost with iPhoneX

Issue #20 resolved
Former user created an issue

When you have copied an instagram link to copy to instagram you cannot select ‘next’ after resizing the image because the ‘next’ text/button is behind the battery & reception bars at the top right of the screen.

Comments (2)

  1. Ole-Kristian Sunnarvik repo owner


    The problem here is within the Instagram app, as the screen in question is provided by Instagram, and is displayed after I pass control over from Picstagrab to Instagram. However I have looked into a solution, and if I pass control over to Instagram in a different way (by downloading the picture to the camera-roll and then asking instagram to open so that you can select the picture from your camera-roll), then Instagram will present the screen correctly. It will probably take a few days for Apple to approve my update, I will let you know as soon as the fix is live.

    Thanks a lot for bringing this to my attention.


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