Bug with update

Issue #22 resolved
Former user created an issue

After updating cannot see tagged photos comes up as “no pictepictures found” for any tag search

Comments (2)

  1. Ole-Kristian Sunnarvik repo owner


    I noticed the same thing this evening, and after some investigation, it turns out that Instagram has without warning turned off the possibility to access pictures you have liked, and also turned off the possibility to search for users. Since the search function does a search both for users and tags, the search fails. I am working on a fix that will only search for tags in order to get the search functionality up and running again as well as removing the “pictures I have liked” page. I will release this fix as soon as possible, hopefully within a day or two.

    Really sorry for the inconvenience this is causing I´ll let you know as soon as I have the fix available.

    Best Regards Ole-Kristian

  2. Ole-Kristian Sunnarvik repo owner

    Updated in version 2.6.2. However, search for users and the "Pictures I have liked" page is disabled due to the new Instagram restrictions.

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