
Issue #26 resolved
Former user created an issue

I’m not able to search for hastags. The app only shows profile @xxx not #xxx

Comments (4)

  1. Ole-Kristian Sunnarvik repo owner

    Hi The reason for no longer being able to search for hashtags is that Instagram has now blocked all 3rd party apps from doing searches. I have an update for this that instead of taking you to the Picstagrab search page, directs you to the search page in the Instagram web-page. From there you will be able to search for both users and hashtags and load the picture/video into Picstagrab once found. The iOS update is currently pending approval by apple, and will be released as soon as it is approved. The Android update was released yesterday evening. Sorry for the inconvenience this is causing. With the new update, you will no longer be able to have favorite users/hashtags, but I am looking into a solution in order to once again support this.

    Best Regards Ole-Kristian

  2. Ole-Kristian Sunnarvik repo owner

    Just released the iOS update this morning, so it should be available for download shortly

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