URL loading is not working

Issue #30 resolved
Former user created an issue

The url is saying an error is occurring and not loading

Comments (3)

  1. Ole-Kristian Sunnarvik repo owner

    Looks like there is an issue with regards to private users. For now, private users will not load in picstagrab, and I have seen that once a private user load fails, you may end up in a state where non-private users fail as well. When I have been in that situation, it has helped to log out from instagram in Picstagrab. You can try that while I work on a solution. Thanks for bringing this to my attention

  2. Ole-Kristian Sunnarvik repo owner

    Private users will for now not load in Picstagrab, but there is a problem with non-private users as well. This problem may occur when you are logged in to Instagram on the page where you select the media to load. I have implemented a fix that will assist you in resetting the login-state of that view with the click of a button. This will be released as soon as apple has approved it.

  3. Ole-Kristian Sunnarvik repo owner


    I have updated in version 2.7.7 now to handle the latest iOS 13 updates. There were quite a bit of trouble with that latest iOS 13 update, but it should be handled now in Picstagrab version 2.7.7

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