update ticker

Issue #25 resolved
Fernando created an issue

After the latest commit on the top scrolling ticker is showing: "Temperature: 81.7°F Colder 123.7 °F than last hour. -123.7°F/hr"

Comments (7)

  1. Gary Roderick

    Just ran your site through the clientraw parser and the issue is incredibly high temps being shown for last 10 hours (fields 90 thru 99). Clientraw template needs some attention.

  2. Fernando reporter


    Thanks for looking in to it. I am going to call it a night right now. Please let me know how I can be of help and I will get to it first thin tomorrow AM.


  3. Gary Roderick

    Just pushed commit fb70ef5 which should provide a temporary fix to the erroneous last hour temp change in the Ajax Gizmo. Root issue is incorrect unit detection/conversion in wdtags.py (similar to wxtrends.php issue #12). This issue will likely affect other hourly, daily etc tags in clientrawxxxx.txt family of files.

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