Testtags.php.tmpl tags need to be checked for unit labels

Issue #28 resolved
Gary Roderick created an issue

Inclusion of unit labels in testtags skin.conf has resulted in unit labels being added by default to most tags in testtags.php. Whilst Saratoga templates strip, re-calculate and re-attach unit labels in most cases, there are some areas on the Saratoga pages that require tags with no unit label (eg 'ago' tags on wxtrends.php) and humidity on dashboard. When labels are included in these tags the result is labels being displayed where there should be none or double labels are displayed. Need to methodically work through each weather observation tag in testtags.php to determine whether it should have a unit label attached or not.

Comments (5)

  1. Gary Roderick reporter

    Majority of obvious issues ('ago' tags on wxtrends.php and a few tags on dashboard) have been addressed in commit 05c3f05. Note that this commit also introduces unit labels in testtags skin.conf and changes group_speed units from knots to km_per_hour. US unit users that adopt the testtags skin.conf changes may need to change the group_speed setting.

  2. Gary Roderick reporter

    Reviewed current testtags.php output against native WD testtags.php and removed labels from those tags that WD appears to produce without tags. Updated testtags.php.tmpl available via commit 2098f55 though need to monitor results for any unintended consequences. This commit also addresses a number of other issues - refer commit notes.

  3. Fernando

    I have merge your latest commit. So far all ok. There is still some lingering issues with Wind on the Trends Page.


  4. Gary Roderick reporter

    Yes just looked at your site and it appears to have solved the spurious labels issue. Wind issue is a separate and ongoing one, I have a way ahead it's just proving more difficult to get it working properly!

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