$seven_day rainfall reports incorrect value

Issue #31 resolved
Gary Roderick created an issue

$seven_day.rain.sum reports an incorrect value. Related issue is the timespan for $seven_day tags, is it from midnight of the day 7 days ago (as other Weewx timespan stats) or is it 7 days to the minute before the current time? Notwithstanding the timespan used $seven_day.rain.sum reports incorrect values. Do other obs report incorrect values as well? Does the new 'weekdaily' tagged stat report correct value?

Comments (2)

  1. Gary Roderick reporter

    Checked seven_day stats code and confirmed that code is correct. Confirmed that seven_day uses period midnight 7 days ago to present. Confirmed correct timestamps are being used. $seven_day.rain.sum results confirmed as correct on test system.

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