Month and Year windrun fomulae do not cater for data starting part way through a month

Issue #38 resolved
Gary Roderick created an issue

Month and year windrun tags in testtags.php are currently calculated by multiplying the year or month average wind speed by the number of elapsed hours since the start of the month/year respectively. This is fine if there is continuous wind data from the start of the month/year, but if the recorded data starts part way through the current month/year then the calculated value may not be consistent with the recorded wind data. The formula will need to cater for wind data starting some time after the 1st day of the month/year.

Comments (1)

  1. Gary Roderick reporter

    Fixed in v0.9.2. Windrun related SLEs now check to see if there is data from the start of the period concerned. If there is the the time period returned is from the start of the period (eg year) to present. If there isn't data from the start of the period the time period returned is from the first data until present (rather than from start of period to present as was previously the case).

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