Pocket list ist display backwards (oldest first)

Issue #15 closed
Former user created an issue

As the title suggests, my pocket list is suddenly displayed backwards, with the oldest items first. It seems not be possible to change the display order to display the newest items first, as it was before.

Comments (7)

  1. Pierre-Adrien Buisson repo owner

    I got a review on AMO describing the same problem (maybe it was you?). I'm quite surprised since I didn't change anything in this section, and never came accross this bug at any point during my recent developments. Could you please try a few things ?

    1. Try and force a reload with the "Refresh item list" button at the top right corner of the popup,
    2. In the settings, try and disconnect from your pocket account, then reconnect to your pocket account (it will clear all data and retrieve all items again)

    If those fail, maybe I'll need more debugging data, but let's try these first 🙂

  2. Peter Kronenberg

    Hi, I'm the one that posted the review on AMO. This problem exactly describes what I am seeing as well. Tried to reload as well as disconnect and reconnect, and neither fixed the problem.

  3. Pierre-Adrien Buisson repo owner

    OK, there is a new review on AMO that brings something I didn't expect. Are you using pagination, or is it disabled? It looks like the ordering is broken when pagination is disabled.

    Could you guys confirm this please?

  4. Pierre-Adrien Buisson repo owner

    Thanks for your feedback @peterkronenberg ! I've just released In My Pocket 0.9.1 with a fix for this problem (pull request #98). Items should now be sorted as expected, with pagination enabled and disabled.

    I'll wait for your feedback and then close this issue if everything's back to normal. Thanks for your help 👍

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