"An error occurred: missing permissions"

Issue #26 resolved
Daniel Rozenberg created an issue

I tried disconnecting/reconnecting the extension, but I still can't refresh the list or add links. Logs with debug mode enabled:

IMP | (Authentication.isAuthenticated) access_token present, user is authenticated popup.js:1:1228
IMP | (PopupPagination.setupEventListeners) popup.js:1:1228
IMP | (Authentication.isAuthenticated) access_token present, user is authenticated popup.js:1:1228
IMP | (PopupTopFilter.setValue) set search query to popup.js:1:1228
IMP | (PopupUI.setupAuthenticatedUI) Save display variable to local storage: [object Object] popup.js:1:1228
IMP | (bg.onMessage) eventData.action: retrieve-items background.js:1:1228
IMP | (retrieveItems) timeout: NaN / 900 background.js:1:1228
IMP | (retrieve first) background.js:1:1228
IMP | Response not OK, something went wrong background.js:1:1372

    error moz-extension://bf191c57-cc85-45a2-b8ba-4b34bd3635c1/background/background.js:1 fetch moz-extension://bf191c57-cc85-45a2-b8ba-4b34bd3635c1/background/background.js:1 

IMP | 403: access_denied (missing permissions) background.js:1:1372

    error moz-extension://bf191c57-cc85-45a2-b8ba-4b34bd3635c1/background/background.js:1 fetch moz-extension://bf191c57-cc85-45a2-b8ba-4b34bd3635c1/background/background.js:1 

IMP | (Request.fetch) response for https://getpocket.com/v3/get -  403 background.js:1:1228
IMP | (bg.retrieveFirst) something went wrong... background.js:1:1306
IMP | (bg.retrieveFirst) {"httpCode":403,"error":"missing_permissions"} background.js:1:1306
IMP | (popup onMessage) : [object Object] popup.js:1:1306
IMP | Invalid JSON: could not parse undefined background.js:1:1306
IMP | (bg.onMessage) eventData.action: flash-error background.js:1:1228
IMP | Invalid JSON: could not parse undefined background.js:1:1306 

Comments (5)

  1. Daniel Rozenberg reporter

    Welp, it's working again for me. Must've been a temporary hiccup in their API. Closing :)

  2. Pierre-Adrien Buisson repo owner
    • changed status to open

    Hey Daniel! Thansk for the report, I've had several messages about this and noticed it as well yesterday. Personally, it keeps on happening right now. I'll be reopening this issue just for the follow-up.

    I'm in touch with Pocket support, it must be related to their API indeed. Thanks again for the report 👍

  3. Pierre-Adrien Buisson repo owner

    Hey guys, just to give you a quick update about this, I got a reply from Pocket, they've made some adjustments lately which seem to have caused this issue. They've since issued a fix, so things should be back to normal. I keep this issue open for a day or two and will mark it as "solved" if I don't get any new bug reports.

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