feature request: show items that are not downloaded in pocket

Issue #51 invalid
R D created an issue

I use pocket on my phone. it has many items in it (like 800).

now when I refresh pocket it says that it is downloading 3 articles.

but it always says that.

so 3 articles are not downloadable.

I cant find anyway to report this to pocket (A non open source app) so I am asking here if it is possible that I can filter based on this issue the articles are not downloaded.

Comments (1)

  1. Pierre-Adrien Buisson repo owner

    hello! unfortunately, I am not related at all with the official Pocket team, only an independent developers trying to bring a better Pocket experience to the Firefox browser. So I won’t be able to help at all since this seems pretty much related to the app itself, and my addon won't have any way to know about this.

    You should try to contact Pocket directly on Twitter / checking out their help pages. I’ve contacted them a few times and they’ve always been helpful.

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