Issue #28 resolved
Yassine Ben Slimane created an issue

I don't know why but since you guys put tiwulfx 1.2/2.0 SNAPSHOT nothing is working, I don't know why since when I update my pom.xml, Netbeans can't resolve those dependencies and I'm back to 1.1, another thing is that when I add the LookupControl, it shows errors of CSS not existing and other things like that !!

Can we get some help here ?

Comments (6)

  1. Yassine Ben Slimane reporter

    Hey again, Yesterday, I was again trying to work with the library but it seems so difficult even to make some sample demo so I would really hope yu guys can make a video with how to setup tiwulFX correctly and how to make a simple demo, not as your demo but a simple one, just for us to get on rails and to get to work ^^

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