Detached tab loses re-attachability

Issue #51 resolved
B Mag created an issue

How to recreate:

1) In "Scope 1" tab pane, grab tab "2 Scope1" and internal dock it on the right side of it's current "Scope 1" tab pane.

2) Then in "Scope 1" tab pane close tab "1 Scope1" by clicking the tab's X.

3 ) Now, pull detach tab "2 Scope 1" and drop away from the app window.

4) The detached tab will now no longer dock/attach back into the "Scope 1" tab pane.

By the way dockable tabs is probably the most useful 3rd party javafx I have seen thus far! Keep up the great work.

Comments (4)

  1. B Mag reporter

    This same behavior also happens if you detach a tab then press new tab. Do a horizontal dock of the two detached tabs and close one of them. The other tab will no longer re-attach back into it's parent origin tab pane.

  2. B Mag reporter

    It seems to happen to any tab pane when a tab is 'docked' in it's own tab pane. This docking can be horizontal or vertical. Then close that tab and the other tabs lose any re-attachability once dragged unto the desktop.

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