Crash client PneumaticCraft + NEI

Issue #6 resolved
SvEgii VEteR created an issue

Comments (22)

  1. SvEgii VEteR reporter

    Yes, but if you remove all modes except yours. the game starts. and the server is running(all mods), it is strange

  2. Patrick Ziegler repo owner

    This is really strange. This crash log doesn't even really make sense, the sequence of how the crash happened doesn't even exist like that in my code

    Are you using a public modpack that you modified or is everything custom? Did you add mods directly to the minecraft.jar yourself? If it's a custom modpack, where did you get your version of MinecraftForge? does not exist on the official download site Try starting it again with all the mods except screwdriver-2.4.2, EnderIO and everything that depends on those mods

    I'll have to do some testing and see which mod interferes with mine

  3. SvEgii VEteR reporter

    remove PneumaticCraft-1.7.10-1.12.7-150-universal.jar and the game is not broken.. strange...

  4. Patrick Ziegler repo owner

    So if you have only HPTanks and PneumaticCraft, the game crashes, because for me it still works with PneumaticCraft

  5. SvEgii VEteR reporter

    it was good for me

    { "modId": "hpt", "deps": [ { "type":"before", "target":"PneumaticCraft" } ]

    in the file injectedDependencies.json but this can cause a problem on the full package mods.. there's a chance

  6. Patrick Ziegler repo owner

    Awesome you figured it out! I was now finally able to reproduce it So the problem is the game crashes when pneumaticcraft is loaded before HPTanks and NEI is installed This should normally not happen because mods are loaded alphabetically (if they don't have dependencies) so Pneumaticraft comes after HPtanks but your mod files are named differently For now your solution should work and since this normally does not happen it is not critical But I will have to look into PneumaticCraft and NEI to figure out how they break my mod Thank you for your help, I probably would never have found out about this Also where exactly did you put the injectedDependencies.json file?

  7. SvEgii VEteR reporter

    glad that helped) it is in the folder config the content is: but reversing the order of the mods using the file, I can catch other problems... but I like so solved the conflicts entity

    there is not a lot of mods with similar problems. but they are there. most mods do not respond to the boot order and work if you rename them.

    for ease of testing, crashes or other bugs, it is very convenient to rename mods. if I did not. then I very long searched for the problem...

    for example, here was conflict entity runicdungeons and minefantasy2 so I decided

    { "modId": "runicdungeons", "deps": [ { "type":"before", "target":"minefantasy2" } ]

  8. Patrick Ziegler repo owner

    It is still a very strange behavious, it's like NEI and PneumaitcCraft are modifying the contents of my mod I will write back here when I figured out what exactly the problem was and if I can fix it

  9. Patrick Ziegler repo owner

    It will probably not be today though or even tomorrow. NEI and PneumaticCraft both contain a lot of files I need to go through to find the cause You go ahead and start playing using your fix :)

  10. Patrick Ziegler repo owner

    HPTanks 1.1.2 Minecraft 1.7.10 MinecraftForge Optional: CodeChickenCore NotEnoughItems IndustrialCraft2 2.2.811 WAILA 1.5.10 Buildcraft 7.1.14 ComputerCraft 1.75 COFH Core 3.1.0-323 Ex-Nihilo 1.38-49

    Fixed #6 Not a real fix but it works Made PneumaticCraft always load after HPT because when loaded before it caused a crash

    → <<cset be3db4710c60>>

  11. Patrick Ziegler repo owner

    HPTanks 1.1.3 Minecraft 1.7.10 MinecraftForge Optional: CodeChickenCore NotEnoughItems IndustrialCraft2 2.2.811 WAILA 1.5.10 Buildcraft 7.1.14 ComputerCraft 1.75 COFH Core 3.1.0-323 Ex-Nihilo 1.38-49

    Fixed #6 Not a real fix but it works Made PneumaticCraft always load after HPT because when loaded before it caused a crash

    → <<cset f69696b10e20>>

  12. Patrick Ziegler repo owner

    HPTanks 1.1.2 Minecraft 1.7.10 MinecraftForge Optional: CodeChickenCore NotEnoughItems IndustrialCraft2 2.2.811 WAILA 1.5.10 Buildcraft 7.1.14 ComputerCraft 1.75 COFH Core 3.1.0-323 Ex-Nihilo 1.38-49

    Fixed #6 Not a real fix but it works Made PneumaticCraft always load after HPT because when loaded before it caused a crash

    → <<cset be3db4710c60>>

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