highlight ruling players in score board

Issue #23 resolved
Paul Arundel repo owner created an issue

No description provided.

Comments (3)

  1. Brian Reinhart

    Fixed Issue #23

    Added light green coloring w/ alpha to the background of divs corresponding to ruling players. The changes made to GameCode.js may not work and should be tested.

    → <<cset 89044c15da3b>>

  2. Paul Arundel reporter

    To get this to work we could either create a mapping in the signalr hub code to get a response for 'DoesPlayerRule' from the server. This would result in lots of network calls though. I think ideally we would add a list of ruling players to the Time entity on the server side and update that every time a crown is advanced. This can then be returned in the game state json (gd) and accessible from the client js.

  3. Paul Arundel reporter

    Fixed Issue #23

    Added light green coloring w/ alpha to the background of divs corresponding to ruling players. The changes made to GameCode.js may not work and should be tested.

    → <<cset 89044c15da3b>>

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