Please revise defalt-VLAN config / blocker for untagged VLAN1

Issue #117 resolved
TheHiman created an issue

you disabled the option to have VLAN1 tagged when defining a trunk on a single Port, however:

The VLAN 1 untagged forcement (specific to the option to set one vlan als “default vlan” is/can be a possible problem when such bridge port is directly connected to other home-devices which dislike a tagged VLAN1. This is one function more which was working many years without problems.

The 2nd Issue is, that it is no longer possible to use VLAN1 AND define it as default VLAN and use it tagged near other VLANs
on a specific port. Please restore the old behavior and allow it again.

Reason: Better and regulary Switching Equipment has absolutely no problem when a trunk is defined and VLAN1 is tagged, too.

There is a clear warning in the Note about “Not use VLAN1 in specific modes” - but this should be OK - for users which connect one home-device with another and this type of config is not supported, but this is still a valid supported configuration on more profesional L2-switches connected to the the specific port.

Actualy define the old situation by web and still use vlan1 as tagged is only possible when the “default-VLAN” Option
is removed. This is the 2nd unlogic change - many switches correctly use the default-VLAN as tagged AND untagged,
further more: a lot of other equipment doesn´t support untagged/tagged in combination - so here ALL vlans have to be tagged
on such devices.

In such switches every vlan can be tagged as “default”-VLAN, no matter if the traffic arrives tagged or untagged ingress.

The best idea is to revert the blocker for vlan1 tagged/untagged forcement and the option to disalow more then 2 VLAN on a wan port as described in the other ticket.

The old situation was always working since advanced tomato in the past and the new forcement is not nessassary at all.
So please just change some graphics but really set back the old free and flexible config. Otherwise vlan config
stays now completly in telnet/NVRAM manual change mode,

Situation is actualy this:

You CAN import/use an existing working combination of vlans from the older Firmware, but you can no longer change or add new vlans by web-config

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