Obtain admin IP via DHCP when WAN is disabled

Issue #120 resolved
rs232 created an issue

As an additional modification to #102

I would also suggest to allow for devices in pure bridge/switch mode to be able to obtain an administrative IP address via DHCP


This is commonly found in enterprise solutions.

Comments (8)

  1. edrikk

    This would be fantastic.

    I have discovered that without this capability, using Tomato as a bridge on Mesh (such as Google) does not allow for ports to be forwarded to Tomato, as it is not “seen” by the router, and so is not on the list to create forwarding.

    This means no SSH etc to the Tomato without some hoop jumping.

  2. rs232 reporter

    Agreed, and when eventually looked into this should be combined with #102 as they both cover the scenario when WAN is disabled.

  3. rs232 reporter

    @pedro311 This is actually already implemented and can be closed.

    I remember a commit from @M_ars although I can’t find it right now.

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