Call dnsmasq --test function prior to commit configuration in nvram

Issue #128 closed
rs232 created an issue

I personally have been locked out of remote routers because I made a typo on the advanced dnsmasq config and the process would refuse to (re)start. Ofter (too often) those wrong parameters were related to non-vital function of dnsmasq e.g. dhcp-host or so.

I see dnsmasq comes with a built in --test function that is meant to parse the config and provide a feedback on it (OK or not). I think we should really implement this in FreshTomato and prevent a modified dnsmasq config to be saved if the test fails. So essentially run this --test after the save button is selected and before the nvram variable cointaining the custom config is actually (over)written.

If the test fails of course a reference to what it’s not liked would also help

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