Netgear R7000 no option for AC on 5 GHz

Issue #154 resolved
DJK created an issue

Netgear R7000 hardware supports 802.11 a/n/ac on 5.0GHz FreshTomato only offers Auto, A N no options for AC and subsequent choices AC only, AC/N mixed, etc.

I had presumed it was the limitations of the older driver. A user allegedly confirmed it is capable.

Comments (10)

  1. M_ars

    Auto option is the default and should be used → all possible wlan speeds will be supported (including AC) and all wireless clients can connect

    We could add a GUI option to force/allow “AC only” clients

  2. DJK reporter

    Seems slightly misleading and inconsistent- there's options for all other modes only, or specific combo… except AC only or AC/N mix only.

    Slightly misleading, since it's not there like all the others, is it supported? Inconsistent because virtually all other options are offered.

  3. M_ars

    i get your point.

    Two more option could be useful:

    • ac-only
    • n/ac-mixed

    Currently the GUI does not offer it, but it is possible to add. I will check what i can do

    Maybe for the issue. It is not a bug, it is an improvement. Like i sayed - “Auto” will allow AC speeds and all clients can connect

  4. DJK reporter

    Ok, I believe you - Auto = AC, but as a user, I would (did/do) wonder why it’s the only option not specified.

    Thanks for your input and and all the work you contribute as well - truly appreciated!

  5. M_ars

    when shibby added support for AC it was the easiest and fastest way i think. (“Auto” does provide/support AC speeds)

    Anyway - first test on my side

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