Asus RT-AC68U V3 misbehaving in Wireless Client Filter with freshtomato-RT-AC68U-ARM_NG-2021.7-AIO-64K

Issue #176 new
Sysres created an issue

I have several Asus RT-AC68U V3 recently purchased brand new sealed. Flashed properly with Fresh Tomato 2021.7 AIO, NVRAM cleared, rebooted, programmed from scratch, etc. Used / Total NVRAM 44.63 KB / 64.00 KB (69.73%)

When I try to create “Wireless Client Filter” and click on “Save”, the router confirms it but then within few seconds one of 2 things would happen. It either freezes completely, doesn’t respond to GUI and requires power reset. Or it still works but the client added to the filter list looses an Internet access immediately even so in “Advanced”, “Virtual Wireless” the “WFilter” settings for both radios are “disabled” which is default. Adding clients to the WFilter should have no impact on functionality in this case but it does. Even more, later when I removed the client from WFilter, the client still has no Internet access until I reboot the router. My “Access Restriction” table is clean. All of my V3 routers behave the same way. I haven’t tested this issue with B1 revision.

Comments (3)

  1. pedro repo owner

    @M_ars : can you prepare image for @Sysres from the latest repo for his RT-AC68U V3 to check if something has changed?

  2. M_ars

    he can try test image “…_v004-VPN-64K” and/or “…_v004_mod-VPN-64K” - but i expect no change

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