[easy] - detect popup blocker while on FT's admin page

Issue #196 new
rs232 created an issue

We do use popups on the webinterface, I think it would be good to detect this and report accordingly

Ref: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2914/how-can-i-detect-if-a-browser-is-blocking-a-popup

The “report” could be be something along the lines of this example:

Comments (4)

  1. rs232 reporter

    I’m on firefox and I can’t see this? Also if it is it’s probably one little icon on the taskbar, not really visible.

  2. DJK

    Using FIrefox, and checking “Block pop-up windows“ - I have never had a FreshTomato pop-up blocked… that I’m aware of, so I’ve never seen it. I get shutdown, reboot, jffs with upgrading, need to reboot after changing WAN MAC… Not every type of pop-up is automatically blocked. I searched about:config, searched popup and checked “Show only modified preferences” - no custom settings here. All of these (most) show up in PaleMoon as well, by default.

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