Compile dnsmasq with TFTP (HAVE_TFTP) support

Issue #20 invalid
Vangelis Tasoulas created an issue

Go to Advanced -> DHCP/DNS and in the Dnsmasq Custom configuration add the enable-tftp option. Save the configuration.
Dnsmasq fails to start with the following error:

Jan  1 01:10:16 ntomata user.debug init[1]: dnsmasq terminated unexpectedly, restarting.
Jan  1 01:10:16 ntomata daemon.crit dnsmasq[2890]: TFTP server not available: set HAVE_TFTP in src/config.h
Jan  1 01:10:16 ntomata daemon.crit dnsmasq[2890]: FAILED to start up

I just moved to FreshTomato from an old version of TomatoShibby where this feature used to work and I used it to setup a PXE server (

Thank you for the great work!

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