2021.08 R6250 LED are Amber

Issue #207 closed
Yick Xie created an issue

Power & Internet LED both are amber, and “led diag on/off” make no difference. They are green on the stock firmware.

Comments (11)

  1. M_ars

    how do you use your router? AP mode only?

    try led “white” → for WAN LED

    check your router for supported LEDs

    root@R7000:/tmp/home/root# led
    led <wlan/diag/white/dmz/aoss/bridge/usb/usb3/5g> <on/off> [...]

  2. Yick Xie reporter

    Basic setup: PPPoe + WIFI 2.4/5 + CTF .

    Led white on/off actually turns Internet led on/off, while aoss does logo. But diag changes nothing.

    root@R6250:/tmp/home/root# led
    led <wlan/diag/white/aoss/usb> <on/off> [...]

  3. M_ars

    please use led cmd for every available led and report back what colors you see for each mode (On or Off). Will be helpful to see if something is wrong in our led table. thx

    led wlan on → result

    led wlan off → result


  4. Yick Xie reporter

    led wlan on → WLAN blue

    led wlan off → WLAN off

    led white on → WAN blinking amber

    led white off → WAN off

    led aoss on → LOGO white

    led aoss on → LOGO off

    led usb on → USB blue

    led usb off → USB off

    Actually as described in manual https://www.downloads.netgear.com/files/GDC/R6250/R6250_UM_17July2013.pdf

    Power led shall turn from solid amber to soild green once the router is ready.

    WAN led shall turn from solid amber to solid green once the Internet is ready.

  5. Yick Xie reporter

    After I double-checked, led diag on → off indeed changed “Power led“ dim amber → brighter yellow. Because it is very difficult to tell difference, I cannt say that as for blinking WAN led.

    In addition, can I just stop WAN led from blinking?

  6. M_ars

    I do not know the command or setting for blinking control for LED (Netgear default setup) . There is no datasheet.

    But if i understand you right. All LEDs do something, including Diag-LED. Maybe you can find the disable LED blinking cmd at google / dd wrt / or other router forums ?

  7. DJK

    I have seen using ps aux - a blink command/process running

    blink eth1 wlan 10 8192

    blink eth2 5g 10 8192

    Unclear if this may/not be something useful. This is barely all I know:

    root@r7000:/tmp/home/root# blink --help
    usage: blink interface led rate threshold

  8. Yick Xie reporter

    Thank you for your answers.

    I guess blinking could be controlled by the blob driver. Some of them may be loaded from CFE, e.g. “ledbh“, and values are defined in wlioctl.h. However I don’t know how they are mapped in the FT led table.

    /* max # of leds supported by GPIO (gpio pin# == led index#) /
    #define WL_LED_NUMGPIO 32 / gpio 0-31 */

    /* led per-pin behaviors /
    #define WL_LED_OFF 0 / always off /
    #define WL_LED_ON 1 / always on /
    #define WL_LED_ACTIVITY 2 / activity /
    #define WL_LED_RADIO 3 / radio enabled /
    #define WL_LED_ARADIO 4 / 5 Ghz radio enabled /
    #define WL_LED_BRADIO 5 / 2.4Ghz radio enabled /
    #define WL_LED_BGMODE 6 / on if gmode, off if bmode /
    #define WL_LED_WI1 7
    #define WL_LED_WI2 8
    #define WL_LED_WI3 9
    #define WL_LED_ASSOC 10 / associated state indicator /
    #define WL_LED_INACTIVE 11 / null behavior (clears default behavior) /
    #define WL_LED_ASSOCACT 12 / on when associated; blink fast for activity /
    #define WL_LED_WI4 13
    #define WL_LED_WI5 14
    #define WL_LED_BLINKSLOW 15 / blink slow /
    #define WL_LED_BLINKMED 16 / blink med /
    #define WL_LED_BLINKFAST 17 / blink fast /
    #define WL_LED_BLINKCUSTOM 18 / blink custom /
    #define WL_LED_BLINKPERIODIC 19 / blink periodic (custom 1000ms / off 400ms) /
    #define WL_LED_ASSOC_WITH_SEC 20 / when connected with security /
    / keep on for 300 sec /
    #define WL_LED_START_OFF 21 / off upon boot, could be turned on later */
    #define WL_LED_WI6 22
    #define WL_LED_WI7 23
    #define WL_LED_WI8 24
    #define WL_LED_NUMBEHAVIOR 25

    /* led behavior numeric value format /
    #define WL_LED_BEH_MASK 0x7f / behavior mask /
    #define WL_LED_AL_MASK 0x80 / activelow (polarity) bit */

    In my router, “nvram show | grep ledbh” shows


    So here “ledbh3”=131=0x83, means WL_LED_AL_MASK | WL_LED_RADIO; 255 means GPIO is not available.

  9. M_ars

    you can turn off or on wireless lan blinking via GUI (see admin-buttons.asp). WAN blinking control is not available via GUI

    I do not see the issue? (except no WAN blinking control → enhancement)

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