Wireless Survey returns no results in congested WiFi areas

Issue #226 closed
Grinch created an issue

This observation was described in detail in Issue #224, and will not be repeated here. Basically, the Wireless Survey returns nothing when there are more than ~20 devices/APs within WiFi range. M_ars has already made some progress which has improved the threshold to ~32 devices/APs. Tested with RT-AC68U and RT-AC1900P.

@M_ars I'm puzzled why there haven't been similar reports from other users. I am in a relatively low-density neighborhood and can have 80+ devices/APs visible in the survey. I can imagine someone in a high-density environment, such as an apartment complex, could potentially have many more. I have tried both v004 images you made, and neither one seemed to improve the results. When I have a bit more time I will investigate further to see if the threshold has improved at all.

Comments (21)

  1. M_ars

    ok, thx for feedback. I have a small idea, have to check it later if it is working/possible.

    I'm puzzled why there haven't been similar reports from other users.

    Good question 🙂 → At least on my side: the maximum i can see at my location is ~25 APs (depending on location/time/environment).

  2. Grinch reporter

    OK, I re-tested all versions (v002-v004), and they are all performing the same as far as I can tell. Today, however, the “magic threshold” for the max number of in-range APs is ~25 instead of ~32.

  3. M_ars

    hi Grinch,

    i prepared an update for you 🙂

    please test the images “…-27062022_wl_survey_v001-VPN-64K”. I checked, wl survey working correct on my side

    please report back, thx

  4. Grinch reporter

    Thank you, M_ars.

    wl survey working correct on my side

    Yes, but you don’t seem to have more than 25 APs/devices in range 🙂

    Unfortunately, there was no improvement with the 27062022_wl_survey_v001 firmware (AC68U). The list populates only when there are less than ~30 APs/devices within range.

    I don’t know why I have so many more APs in range than you. I’m running with a fairly modest antenna array connected to my RT-AC68U 🙂

  5. M_ars

    crazy antenna array 🙂 🤣

    i think you probably need no gas/heating in the winter time 😉 or maybe can do wlan harvesting

    Ok - i will think about something else. I think there is not much missing

  6. Grinch reporter

    The issue reported here, however, is that the list is empty, that is, NO APs are displayed when there are more than 25-30 APs in range..

  7. M_ars

    hi, could you check if something has changed with 2023.3 release? wl driver update was done a few weeks ago … maybe there was a change

  8. Grinch reporter

    No change; all antennas must be removed before any APs are displayed, numbering ~24 APs. Tested on several RT-AC68U and RT-AC1900P routers all with 2023.3.

  9. Grinch reporter

    Sorry to report, no change.

    I don’t know if this helps or means anything, but I have noticed that with the 2.4 GHz radio (eth1/wl0) disabled, the survey still does not work even though almost all the APs around here are in the 2.4 GHz band. With the antennas removed and eth1 disabled, I see only two or three 5 GHz APs, as expected. With eth1 enabled (antennas still removed), I see around 20 2.4 GHz APs in addtion to the 5 GHz APs. So evidentally the survey is scanning the 2.4 GHz band even if the radio has been disabled; otherwise I would expect the 5 GHz APs to show up with the antennas installed and eth1 disabled.

  10. WildFireSG

    RT-AC68U running 2023.3 AIO working fine. I’ve never had an issue with the wireless survey.

  11. Grinch reporter

    Wow, that’s quite a few APs; I’m sure more than I would ever see (if it was working for me, that is)!

    Since I seem to be the only one experiencing this issue, perhaps we should just close this issue?

  12. M_ars

    thx Grinch & WirdFireSG for feedback and info

    141 is really a lot.

    Grinch, what wl country setup do you use/have

  13. Grinch reporter

    M_ars, The country is set to USA, rev 0.

    I have tried the survey after performing a full NVRAM erase, leaving everything at the default values (nothing configured). Still nothing. I don’t know if this is another clue, but I noticed that not all of my settings were reset after the NVRAM erase; the eth1 and eth2 wireless settings as well as the Virtual Wireless settings required a second NVRAM erase. Seems to be pretty repeatable. And yes, I am aware of clearing the browser cache, CTRL-F5, etc. 😀

  14. M_ars

    And yes, I am aware of clearing the browser cache, CTRL-F5, etc. 😀

    I know → you are a tomato developer 😎 and i think we could need your help to improve FT

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