Allow to modify all the settings without forcing a reboot

Issue #235 resolved
rs232 created an issue

There are few options that when set won’t allow you to carry on with the configuration unless you reboot. The two that come to my mind are:

  • CTF
  • A save on the VLAN page

I’m certain there are more. cases I fully support for the device to be rebooted before being put into production but why can’t we have a third option like Reboot/Cancel/Continue where the latter saves the settings and warns you that it will not be operational until the next reboot to then let you carry on with the configuration.

We could even have a warning message on the GUI header like “reboot due“ or something

Just a thought to make things more practical

Comments (4)

  1. rs232 reporter

    I’m aware of this but implementing a commit might (not sure) be a big change. What I am suggesting here is a quick win that hopefully is relatively trivial to implement.

  2. M_ars

    At the GUI - page advanced-misc.asp (for Boot Wait Time/ CTF / Jumbo Frames/ etc. ) can be adjusted. (reboot needed)

    i pushed a small change

    VLAN Page/setup/config is very difficult. Basicly we could ajdust everything on the fly and restart Tomato if we want it. The needed (hardware) infos can be found at google now (was not true a few years ago …) .

    But i think its too much work and the “tomato vlan code/approach” is nice & easy and can/could be re-used for future platforms

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