Time not available when no WAN available

Issue #249 closed
Rob Mich created an issue

FreshTomato Firmware 2022.5 K26ARM USB AIO-64K, but issues have been here for at least a year

Router: R7000

Used / Total RAM 29.56 MB / 249.59 MB (11.84%)
Used / Total NVRAM 55.03 KB / 64.00 KB (85.98%)

Time is showing as not available (web) or as in 1970 using the date command (i.e. Fri Jan  2 07:57:54 CET 1970)

If I click on menu basic/Time on save, the time gets sync.

I tried to use a script (init) such as below but I had no luck (I am not sure how to trick the restart of the service):

/usr/sbin/ntpd -g -q -x
/usr/sbin/ntpd -t -N -S /sbin/ntpd_synced

On the status page, freshtomato believes that wan0 is not set:

Connection Type Static IP
IP Address
Subnet Mask
DNS Using Stubby resolvers
MTU 1500
Status Disconnected
Connection Uptime -

Because I suspect that the hardware port has an issue, I had to route my traffic through a LAN port

Let me know if you need more information.

Comments (6)

  1. rs232

    There’s a known issue about interfaces reported as Disconnected where instead they are Connected.

    It’s a high priority issue and it is being looked into.

    BTW this also affects Multiwan behavior and all the stuff that goes over it (e.g. vpn). As a temporary workaround try to disable the “Check Connection Every”

  2. pedro repo owner

    @rs232 : it’s not this case.

    @Rob Mich : I assume thet you change something on the VLAN page, right?

    So show me it then.

  3. pedro repo owner

    I’ve just checked (on DHCP, not Static but it doesn’t matter).

    With port 1 (LAN0) bridged to WAN0 (WAN removed) and connected as a WAN and I have no problems with time (ntpd).

    Probably you something messed up with your settings.

  4. Rob Mich reporter

    see below my vlan setup.

    The problem still happens with the latest version, the only way to fix it is to click on the Basic/Time page on the Save button (without changing anything) when I reboot the router. I can’t find a way to automate this step with a script.

  5. pedro repo owner

    If your WAN is broken, do not bridge it to WAN0 (remove it). Only bridge port 1 and use it as a WAN.

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