DHCP Reservation won't allow multiple hostnames on the same IP

Issue #253 closed
Thomas Coulange created an issue

Hardware : R7000 FreshTomato Firmware 2022.5 K26ARM USB AIO-64K

but I think it’s a software issue.

In the hints of the page (DHCP Reservation), we can read “To specify multiple hostnames for a device, separate them with spaces (not available when IP address is empty).”.

If we try to do that, then the html deny and prompt an error “Invalid hostname. Only a single hostname containing the characters "A-Z 0-9 - _ ." is allowed”

So either the hint is wrong, or the control should allow space for it to works.

Another way if it’s not possible would be to customization of the “hosts.dnsmasq” (like adding a box so we can “add entry to it)

Comments (5)

  1. DJK

    dnsmasq - dnsmasq.conf - customization is available via DHCP/DNS under Advanced. As for adding it to “hosts” - dnsmasq …“also answers DNS queries for DHCP configured hosts“ according to it’s man page.

    As for the multiple names, it’s been commented to work but never used it.

  2. Thomas Coulange reporter

    Sorry @pedro here’s what’s different :

    Try putting hostname1.com hostname2.com and it should triggers the error. I don’t think it should be invalid ? (as hostname1.com only is valid)

    If it’s not a valid syntax for dnsmasq then you can keep the issue closed, I didn’t find anything about this.

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