PPPoE not working with Fiber Centurylink with R8000 on 2022.6

Issue #258 resolved
Trevor Jeppesen created an issue

PPPoE not working on Fiber Centurylink with R8000 on 2022.6 (freshtomato-R8000-ARM-2022.6-AIO-64K.trx). Log entries show repeated “timeout waiting pado packets”, rebooting R8000 as well as fiber modem independently results in same behavior. Changing R8000 firmware to 2022.5 (freshtomato-R8000-ARM-2022.5-AIO-64K.trx) with the same settings the PPPoE connects without issue.

Comments (10)

  1. bitbitbuck

    Hi, I am not using PPPoE but I have the exact same model (R8000 on 2022.6 (freshtomato-R8000-ARM-2022.6-AIO-64K.trx) and experiance also not working network. It seems to be related to MAC-addresses and DHCP. But when rolling back to version 2022.5 these errors are resolved. Just like at yours. I tried to flash it twice, but same results.

  2. M_ars


    can you please provide me the output for 2022.5 AND for 2022.6

    root@R7000:/tmp/home/root# nvram show | grep vlan

    and also

    root@R7000:/tmp/home/root# nvram show | grep et0

    and also

    root@R7000:/tmp/home/root# nvram show | grep et2


  3. M_ars

    ok, thx for info. One more question that you hopefully can answer/remember: did you clean nvram with upgrade from 2022.5 to 2022.6 ? (or dirty upgrade)

    also at @bitbitbuck - some question: did you clean nvram with upgrade from 2022.5 to 2022.6 ? (or dirty upgrade)

  4. bitbitbuck

    Hello M_ars, sorry for my slow reply. I also didn’t had access to the device for a week. Now I tested the image you provided. I flashed it dirty. And it worked out of the box. No configuration change needed. The only thing is, that it is the VPN edition and I usually use the AIO version. Thank you a lot!

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