R6300v2 Wireless Ethernet Bridges drop connection after a while

Issue #26 closed
Perry Naseck created an issue

I have 2 R6300v2 routers running freshtomato-R6300v2-ARM-2020.2-AIO-64K. They are both configured as 5GHz Wireless Ethernet Bridges. After a few hours, they seem to drop their uplink WiFi connection. They are no longer responsive (can’t ping or connect via web/SSH from WiFi) and the devices plugged into them also go offline. I have attempted wiping NVRAM and re-configuring them twice. I set them to log to USB so I can see what goes wrong when they lose connection, but there is nothing logged. It is marking every hour, so the router is still responsive to the logging at least.

When connecting Ethernet to the routers after they have failed and setting a static IP on my computer in the same subnet (since no DHCP without uplink), one of them is responsive and the other is not. The unresponsive one successfully uplinks the Ethernet but it does not respond to HTTP or SSH. If I re-plug the USB drive I am using for logging, it does not appear to re-mount it (the LED on it does not blink). The other one responds to HTTP and SSH, and on the status page it looks fine except for the Signal Quality of the 5GHz connection is 0. When SSHing in (I was trying to check dmesg), it hangs when it tries to print the WL1 line in the MOTD. When I disabled the MOTD from the web UI, it became unresponsive. I have left the MOTD disabled (on both devices now) and will try again next time they fail.

How may I enable more verbose logging about the WiFi connection? That would probably help figure out what is going wrong. I will continue to check the logs as I restart the devices when they fail.

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