Admin Restrictions - Allowed Remote IP Address not working

Issue #262 invalid
IzK created an issue

After setting up an IP on the allowed remote IP text box, nothing changes. I can access the administration panel (http://RouterIP) wherever I like, for example another computer, a virtual machine or an OpenVpn client!

According to the wiki, “This setting applies to local and remote administration via HTTP, HTTPS, SSH (if enabled) and Telnet (if enabled).”

I updated today my router’s firmware (it was also failing on 2020.8). Currently I’m running freshtomato-RT-AC3200-ARM-2022.6-AIO-128K with NVRAM erased.

Comments (1)

  1. pedro repo owner

    “This setting applies to remote administration via HTTP, HTTPS, SSH (if enabled) and Telnet (if enabled).” - updated wiki. If you want to disable access also in local lan, you have to disable httpd.

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