tinc keys are dissapearing

Issue #298 invalid
zakk87 created an issue

I have a problem with creating Tinc keys in tomato ARM 2023.4. After generating and save the keys, the keys are disappearing after going to another tab. Can any of you check if the same thing happens?

Sep 25 12:23:08 RT-AC66UB1 daemon.notice tinc[7455]: tincd 1.1pre18 (Sep 9 2023 06:13:39) starting, debug level 0
Sep 25 12:23:08 RT-AC66UB1 daemon.err tinc[7455]: Error reading RSA private key file `/etc/tinc/rsa_key.priv': No such file or directory
Sep 25 12:23:08 RT-AC66UB1 daemon.info tinc[7455]: Create an RSA key pair with `tinc -n . generate-rsa-keys'.
Sep 25 12:23:08 RT-AC66UB1 daemon.warn tinc[7455]: Support for legacy protocol disabled.
Sep 25 12:23:08 RT-AC66UB1 daemon.info tinc[7455]Frowndev/net/tun is a Linux tun/tap device (tun mode)
Sep 25 12:23:08 RT-AC66UB1 daemon.notice tinc[7455]: Ready

I tried create folder /etc/tinc but keys do not appear.

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