Administration > Scripts - Firewall scripts saved in GUI are executed twice

Issue #309 new
HommeOursPorc created an issue

Anything saved in the firewall scripts in the GUI (Administration > Scripts) is runned twice on both MIPS and ARM in 2023.5.

Please see

File /tmp/ is automatically created and also nvram get script_fire gets populated then anything is executed twice…..

Comments (6)

  1. HommeOursPorc reporter

    If I use an iptables rule instead of a ebtables one, the iptables rule is only added once. The firewall script is executed twice, but the iptables rule is only added one time. I didn't check the firewall code, but I suppose either there's a validation process before adding the rule or the rules are flushed and generated from 0 when firewall_start() is called. If I manually start and stop the firewall, iptables rule is added once (good!), ebtables rules is not flushed and added over the existing one so we end up with 2 identical ebtables rules! (Bad) An easy solution would be to add a ebtables -F in firewall_stop() ??? That might cause problems with @M_ars WET patch for the IPv6 bug.

  2. M_ars

    Yes, “ebtables -F” would cause problems for WET Mode to catch IPv6. There more i think about my ideas the less i like them 😅

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