Minor UI issue - Ethernet Ports State icons & image size on Refresh

Issue #311 new
Geoffrey Schaller created an issue

Firmware: freshtomato-R7000-K26ARM-2023.5-AIO-64K; Netgear R7000. On the Status => Overview page, every time the page refreshes, the graphics for the Ethernet ports load after the HTML, causing the page to resize itself and “blink”. Looking in the HTML, the size of the images is not specified, meaning that the layout adapts when it loads / reloads, instead of pre-determining and pre-formatting the size of the image before loading it. This is most notable when the page auto-refreshes every 1 / 5 seconds. It’s a minor issue, but hopefully an easy one to fix. (Issue was present in 2023.4 as well.)

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