Access Restriction - Block All Internet Access - EXCEPT

Issue #32 new
Not MyName created an issue

Please create GUI support for iptables scripting that adds an additional checkbox button next to “Block All Internet Access” that provides exceptions to ports. Effectively this aids in the ease of use for setting up a device that has all ports blocked except for say 80, 8080, and 443. Currently there is no easy way to do this than to script iptables within shell.

Thank you!

Comments (3)

  1. CTRL+F5


    All ports closed except:

    [X] Open: [ ] TCP: [ 80 443 ] UDP: [ 80 443 ]

    [X] Open: [ ] TCP: [ ] UDP: [ 80 443 ]

    [X] Open: [ ] TCP: [ 80 443 ] UDP: [ ]

    m(_ _)m

  2. rs232

    I would shift this request towards a modification of the Access Restriction page.

    In Access Restriction you can easily specify source IP/network and destination port. The only issue admittedly is that you can currently only block and it’s currently not possible to do reverse logic e.g. allow this and that and block everything else.

    So yes in my opinion a valid request and perhaps a modification to the Access Restriction page is the way forward to achieve this.

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