Feature Request/Question -- Adding more DDNS clients?

Issue #322 invalid
Scott Mudge created an issue

I have about 7 or 8 domains I’d like to keep updated via DDNS, so the 2 baked in clients are pretty limiting. Looking at router/www/basic-ddns.asp, it looks like the number of clients is set by:

var clients_num = 2;

Could I simply increase this number to whatever value I need and rebuild, or will it corrupt or disrupt any existing configs/memory offsets stored in the existing router config?

Comments (2)

  1. Scott Mudge reporter

    Apologies, figured since it would require modifying the source and rebuilding the image, and not just a question about using the existing firmware as it is, it might belong here. But perhaps adding a configurable number of DDNS clients is something that might be valuable, given it’s already parameterized, just not exposed.

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