not working IPv6 in MultiWAN-Config with PPPoE/LTE as Backup

Issue #47 wontfix
TheHiman created an issue

Actualy IPv6 is disabled on 4G/LTE when LTE is used as Fallback in a Multiwan Enviroment, further more, we need a more detailed setup for EACH WAN-Port in a multi-wan enviroment. Not all access methods use the same IPv6 Parameters, so a PPPoE Session usualy provide a /56 Prefix, a mobile-Connection usualy just provide a single /64 - so we need different settings, like IPv4, here.

Actualy there is only ONE mobile-Connection possible. I tryed today to use 2 USB Ports for 2 mobile Providers and configure them as fallback. This configuration is entirely not supported. The only way is doing a “double NAT” by using a “all-in-one” box for the 2nd mobile connection by plug in an extra Router to the WAN Port and use it with “Internal” dhcp.

Comments (2)

  1. TheHiman reporter

    i like to bump this ipv6-mobile /64 Problem, to implement like openwrt does when it comes to mobile-v6.

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