FreshTomato needs a Asuswrt-Merlin like RSSI Roaming function.

Issue #77 resolved
CTRL+F5 created an issue

I live in a heavily populated area, where everyone uses WiFi. I need a Asuswrt-Merlin like RSSI\Roaming function that will change channel on too much noise or a weak signal.

I have been using this script command in multiple places:

wl roam_trigger -60 all

It kind of works, but does not change the channel quick enough. I need a way to make it check and update more often, and I am not sure where I should be loading this from.


Comments (21)

  1. M_ars

    the feature you are looking for is not yet included in FT. But it is possible to add it. so much things could be added / done … 🙂

  2. CTRL+F5 reporter

    Hey thanks for the reply, it's “nice to know” that it is at least possible. But, with the heavy lifting work load the FT Team has already taken on (IPv6, Load Balancing\Failover MultiWAN, OpenVPN, Firewall), I am sure it will be sometime before they have a chance to look into it.

    I do believe Pedro is right though, the broken things need to be fixed first, before any new features should be added. You need a solid base to work from.

    I read that kernel-panic69 is even going to try and move to a higher Linux Kernel! He must be made of iron. I would easily buckle under that kind of pressure!


  3. M_ars

    I know you looking for “channel change feature” for wifi (not implemented yet).

    With 2020-8 final you can use/enable band steering ( 2.4 GHz <--> 5 GHz) or even better if you have a tri-band router like Asus RT-AC3200 ( 2.4 GHz <--> 5 GHz high <--> 5 GHz low)


  4. CTRL+F5 reporter

    @M_ars I have a “Linksys EA9500 v1” Tri-band Router, but it’s a “huge piece of crap” and I can’t get FT on it. I try ALL of the new builds, even your “FT_2020.? VPN Beta” builds. But, I always end up going back to FT_2020.5 because it’s the only version I can connect to my VPN provider (Windscribe VPN) with. I have a “life time” contract with them, so…

    I am going to burn FT_2020.8 on to my Linksys EA6900 after I post this comment. I saw the picture you put up of the unfinished “Asus-Band Steering” project. W O W . . . that looks like a impossible task. It’s no wonder, it’s unfinished! That project alone could take a life time to complete!

    Thanks for the heads up. Time to burn…


  5. M_ars

    right now we only have a checkbox to turn it on or off, a very simple solution, but it works pretty good with the default setup. Netgear and some other router manufacturer do the same.

    happy christmas

  6. CTRL+F5 reporter

    Ok, 2020.8 installed. “Wireless Band Steering” Enable [Checked]. The first thing I noticed was it changed my separated SSID’s, into the same SSID I use for my 2.4GHz. Which means I can no longer separate my 2.4GHz and 5GHz WiFi frequencies for use with my other clients.

    My original setup uses a “Virtual Wireless” Network to do the same thing, but also allows me to keep my WiFi SSID’s and Frequencies separated. That way I can choose separated or combined SSIDS’s.

    The GOOD NEWS is my “VPN Connections” are now working again! I simply “bypassed almost everything” and used the Advanced\Custom box instead.



  7. M_ars

    band steering requires that the SSIDs are the same (for example) so that the router can adjust the target wireless lan for the client if the conditions are triggered (2,4 GHz <--> 5 GHz)

  8. CTRL+F5 reporter

    No problem. I enabled “Wireless Band Steering and let it change the SSIDs. Then, I used “Virtual Wireless” network to create a ADDITIONAL 2.4GHz and 5GHZ SSIDs. Now I’m back in business !! 8 ) !!


    To get the RSSI down and the Signal Strength up, I had to add “wl roam_trigger -50 all” to [ INIT ] and the [ Scheduler ] again. It fires off once a minute. I have no idea why this works, but it does. I looked at the wl command list and it has a bewildering amount of options. My brain hurts, time for breakfast burrito.


  9. CTRL+F5 reporter

    My “ASUS RT-AC3200” has a lot of “Country” problems, that’s probally why ASUS or Merlin no longer supports it.

    Auto anything does not work well on it. I use Q2/96 which helps, but does not fix the whole problem.


    So, does the “Roaming Assistant”, do the same thing as “wl roam_trigger -60 all“ ???

    “Roaming Assistant” +PLUS+ “AC-PHY Interference Mitigation” [opt. 1 AND opt. 2 AND opt. 3].

    Should fix some problems. It’s been working for me so far…

    RS232 is probally going to post ; )

    This should be added to the “Roaming Assistant” line:

    (Note: disable for wireless client, wireless ehternet bridge and media bridge modes)

    (Note: do not use Bandsteering and Roaming Assistant together (similar functionality)

    Donated to: Piotr Drożdż

    !!! m(_ _)m !!! THANK YOU !!!


  10. M_ars

    So, does the “Roaming Assistant”, do the same thing as “wl roam_trigger -60 all“ ???

    NO, there is a little programm in the background watching your clients - a client will be removed if it does not have the desired RSSI (counting a few times)

    see also

    This should be added to the “Roaming Assistant” line:

    (Note: disable for wireless client, wireless ehternet bridge and media bridge modes)

    (Note: do not use Bandsteering and Roaming Assistant together (similar functionality)

    → code will catch that case, so nothing to do for you.

    For example: One interface can be used for Media Bridge Mode/Client Mode (will not use Roaming Assistant even you try to turn it on) - and the other wl interfaces for AP Mode (with Roaming Assistant turned on) ==> no Problem 🙂

    You can also try to use Bandsteering and Roaming Assistant together. For example to remove clients with an RSSI lower than -85/-90 … ;


  11. CTRL+F5 reporter

    Bandsteering and Roaming Assistant together ??? I will give it a shot. Wish me luck.

    m(_ _)m


  12. M_ars

    but please make a reasonable RSSI value. Bandsteering does also use RSSI values to move the clients to a different wl interface …

    So for example setting a RSSI value of -45 for Roaming Assistant is probably not a good idea … 😉

  13. CTRL+F5 reporter

    My ASUS RT-AC3200 has:

    eth1 5GHz-1
    eth2 2.4GHz
    eth3 5GHz-2

    After activation, "Wireless Band Steering" choose the "ETH2 SSID 2.4GHz", not the "ETH1 SSID 5GHz-1".

    And, "Wireless Band Steering" chose the channel with “RSSI -58 84db”, not the channel with “RSSI -50 88db”.

    So, what criterion is "Wireless Band Steering" using to select the connection channel ???

    m(_ _)m


  14. M_ars

        {"wl0_bsd_steering_policy", "0 5 3 -52 0 110 0x22"      , 0 },
        {"wl1_bsd_steering_policy", "80 5 3 -82 0 0 0x20"       , 0 },
        {"wl2_bsd_steering_policy", "0 5 3 -82 0 0 0x28"        , 0 },

    example for wl0

    max=0 period=5 cnt=3 rssi=-52 phyrate_high=110 ...

    → In the end, keep it simple is probably best 🙂

    Use Band Steering OR Roaming Assistant

  15. rs232

    Actually, why shouldn’t this be used together with bandwidth steering? Can the “move” decision be made on some simple criteria? e.g. :

  16. M_ars

    bandsteering has a lot of control options (including the rssi threshold) , see AsusWRT picture. We use the default values like Netgear, Linksys, and some other. → Just On or Off at FT GUI (at nvram there are all options)

    Roaming assistant will remove the wl client (very simple solution), bandsteering will try to move the client (if conditons are triggered)

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