Enabling NAS caused reboot with smbv2 client accessing files: error = smb2_sendfile_send_data

Issue #80 new
RH created an issue

2020.6 K26ARM USB AIO-64K; Total / Free NVRAM = 64.00 KB / 8772 (13.39%)

Netgear R7000 ; Chipset ARMv7 Processor rev 0 (v7l).

Started using the NAS to share a USB drive, however, the client was set to use SMBv2 which caused errors like the following:

Nov 19 10:43:15 router daemon.err smbd[2526]: smb2_sendfile_send_data: sendfile failed for file filename.mkv (Broken pipe). Terminating.

However, after a number of such errors the router hung and rebooted. I have been using this router with Shibby and FreshTomato for years and never seen a fault this bad before (before enabling NAS).

I set the NAS client to use SMBv1 and the problem stopped. Is there an update that can be implemented to fix the SMBv2 or update it?


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